
Blizzard launched two Warbringers videos in prep for BfA. Sylvanas and Jaina, which clearly marks each as the frontrunners of the upcoming conflict. View those in the links if you haven’t done so yet.

With Jaina, we don’t really get the turmoil that we did from the end of Warlords and the beginning of Legion, but she has been on a path to the darkside for some time now. I was actually surprised that she managed not to turn to the Legion this expansion. Her video just proves her final resolve to the fight, getting a flying disco ship that is shown in the new scenario. It is a bit unusual that the Alliance frontrunner isn’t the Alliance leader, but how much will Anduin be influenced by Jaina in BfA?

Sylvanas is newly arrived to the full scale crazy that these two characters embody on their respective sides. What many people who have been commenting on Sylvanas’ trip down the rabbit hole seem to forget, is that her path started with Greymane’s interference in Stormheim. If Sylvanas had been allowed to claim her prize in Stormheim, would she have been so crazy while on the path to BfA?

Back at the beginning of Legion, especially in the prepatch, Sylvanas led valiantly and made the hard decisions that needed to be made. Pulling out of the battle was one of those hard decisions. Unfortunately, it was misunderstood by Greymane as Sylvanas betraying the Alliance, and is most likely why he got involved with her plans in Stormheim setting her down her current path.

Who Lives? Redemptions and Reconciliations?

If there were only one questionable character, I would consider the general consensus of Sylvanas being the next Garrosh-like raid boss. However, add in Jaina and there is no way that both will die in BfA. Actually, it is highly possible that neither die. Sylvanas is likely going to step down as warchief at the end of BfA, Jaina will probably return to her people. 

There is a video on Youtube that suggests, as one option, that Sylvanas is just playing her part, making the decisions that no other warchief could ever make. As someone who has already died once, Sylvanas does not seem to fear anything in the waking world, meaning she is free to carry those burdens. It is very likely that the end of BfA will make her intentions known, that she only did what she had to do for the good of the Horde, maybe for Azeroth as a whole. There is even some hope for Sylvanas’ redemption in the comic with her sisters. 

Jaina on the otherhand, already seems to be on a path to redemption, even while perpetuating her own grudge against the Horde. Her people chose a neutral stance, preparing to stand against the coming battle on their own. Jaina seems to accept their fight as her own, though in secret. It is likely that her people will discover her protection later and may forgive her past.

What are your thoughts on Battle for Azeroth? Do you think one or both of these Warbringers might die? Will there be redemption in this expansion? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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