This guide’s pretty cut and dry and covers the default buttons/keys for the keyboard, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 controllers (for those using a PS4 controller on their PC). Simple and to the point.

One tip I do want to mention is that if you are having trouble with the controls using a controller, things may be easier if you swap the buttons for dash and EX shoot. You generally dash more often than you use your EX shot, so it may be more comfortable to have dash set to B (XB1)/Circle (PS4) and EX shoot to Y (XB1)/Triangle (PS4).

Standard Controls in Cuphead

Shoot Keyboard: XXbox controller: XPS4 controller: Square

JumpKeyboard: ZXbox controller: APS4 controller: X

EX shootKeyboard: VXbox controller: BPS4 controller: Circle

Switch weaponKeyboard: TabXbox controller: Left bumperPS4 controller: L1

Lock in placeKeyboard: CXbox controller: Right bumperPS4 controller: R1

DashKeyboard: Left shiftXbox controller: YPS4 controller: Triangle

How to ParryThe game goes over this a bit, but it’s tricky to actually do as you have to jump and press the jump button again right as you touch a pink projectile to parry it.In some games, there’s a slight delay between jump -> contact -> parry but here in Cuphead, there is no delay and it must be done at the exact moment of contact.

Learning to parry is your key to success pushing through the game since parrying gives you 1 EX charge. It’s easiest to practice parrying on the pink spiked balls in the first run & gun stage.

How to use your Super ArtLet your EX meter fill all the way up (5 cards) and press the EX shoot button to unleash your currently equipped Super Art.

Flying Controls in Cuphead

ShootKeyboard: XXbox controller: XPS4 controller: Square

SpecialKeyboard: VXbox controller: BPS4 controller: Circle

ParryKeyboard: ZXbox controller: APS4 controller: X

ShrinkKeyboard: ShiftXbox controller: Y or right bumperPS4 controller: Triangle or R1

This guide being cut and dry was no exaggeration. Hopefully, having these written out, or the couple of tips within, have been of some help. Make sure to check out our other Cuphead guides for more tips and tricks.