
The dates for the 2013 Autumn Sale are rumored to run from Wednesday, November 27th through Tuesday, December 3rd. The 2013 Holiday sale will from Thursday, December 19 through Thursday, January 2nd. These dates have not been officially confirmed but considering the history of the sales, it seems to be pretty likely that it will take place sometime close to these dates. 

Also stated in the leaked email, the Autumn and Holiday deals will run the same discounts. The Steam Team said, “Because the two sales occur just a few weeks apart, we plan to maintain the same discounts from one sale to the other…”

Why do this to ourselves?

If it is reliable, this leak of information may cause problems for Steam’s sale percentages. Think of it this way: now that these dates have been released, customers will be more likely to wait and see which games will be on sale and not buy them at full price. Steam’s numbers will take a dive during the weeks before the sale and then some of the discounts may not be as great as usual to allow for Steam to catch up their numbers.

Also, if Steam finds out who leaked the photo, then they may not even sell the game for violating the clear rules stated in the email itself. But nonetheless, the information has been shared with the people and we will be getting an awesome sale in the near future regardless of what happens.

What are some of the games you want this holiday season? Tell us in the comments below!