Introduced in season 4 of Selling Sunset, Selling the OC follows “another game plan of realtors as they get serious, fighting to set up a solid groundwork for themselves at The Oppenheim Group’s second office on the Orange County coast,” according to the power series overview. “Will the strain exhibit a ton for these experts to think about?”

Clearly, Selling the OC – – the latest in the Selling foundation (Selling Tampa appeared back in December) – – wouldn’t be done without the Oppenheim kin, Jason and Brett, getting the news out. While the pair are ready to increment bargains in one of California’s “for the most part rich” markets, they’re really stood up to with a piece of comparative show they left back in Los Angeles, including blabber-mouthy goodies about an endeavor between trained professionals.

“You can to be sure cut off a predetermined number ties until basically nothing still needs to be crossed, and y’all will get to know the most potential troublesome way,” Tyler Stanaland tells his fellow trained professionals.

Watch the delicious mystery for Selling the OC underneath.

Selling the OC will feature Stanaland, Alex Hall, Alexandra Jarvis, Alexandra Rose, Austin Victoria, Brandi Marshall, Gio Helou, Kayla Cardona, Lauren Brito, Polly Brindle and Sean Palmieri, some of whom were as of late introduced in the last season of Selling Sunset.

“I love the experts down here. We have an exceptional social occasion, a fantastic office. Moreover, it’s just a very surprising one of a kind down here,” Jason Oppenheim told ET’s Brice Sander last November. “The experts at my agent are male and female, in this manner from them, I think that being an especially unique cast is going.”

“I’m getting to know these people while the group is and I accept they’re getting to know themselves and each other comparably so much, however I think on Selling Sunset, we had known each other for a seriously prolonged stretch of time, and I had known these people for quite a while,” he continued. “So this is a developing encounter for me, too. I earnestly don’t really have even the remotest clue what will happen, which I assume is to some degree empowering moreover.”

— E! News (@enews) August 10, 2022

Right when ET tended to a part of the cast back in June, they uncovered that the Selling Sunset cast gave them “no direction” about starting the side venture series.

“Not really,” Hall told ET’s Denny Directo. “It’s an extraordinary preparation,” Marshall agreed.

To the degree that what Stanaland accepts fans ought to know about the show, he says they’ll have to “watch and find out.”

“We’re a very young, fun get-together, who loves each other and sells a couple of pretty damn cool houses,” Stanaland added. “Along these lines, you’ll see.”

Selling the OC debuts Aug. 24 on Netflix.