The brother has revealed additional insight while detailing from an onlooker, as per him.

He uncovered that IVD returned from the vulcanizer and a contention broke out among him and his better half, which incited the spouse to need to torch a record having a place with both of them.

He uncovered that within the sight of her significant other, she poured lamp oil all around her body and set their window cotton ablaze, feeling that her better half would beg her not to do as such. He spread the word about it that when she was attempting to drag her significant other, he pushed her onto the cotton that was at that point ablaze, and that was the manner by which her entire body burst into flames also. He said that when the occurrence occurred, their kids were not at home around then.

He asserted after her body burst into flames, her better half was there without putting forth any attempt to save her life. He revealed that since the occurrence occurred, her significant other was mysteriously gone yet said the possibly time they heard from him was the point at which he shared a post on Instagram after the demise of his better half.

He told Daddy Freeze to investigate what is happening and let him know that she experienced a 100-degree consume.  He said Airhead was dismissed when they took her to an overall emergency clinic and to that end they went to a confidential clinic, yet on arriving, the spouse escaped, and he was mysteriously gone till this second, as per him.