Christine explains that all through her marriage for Kody – – whom she shares youngster Paedon, 24, and young ladies Aspyn, 27, Mykelti, 26, Gwendlyn, 20, Ysabel, 19, and Truely, 12 – – she grasped she “truly needed more correspondence, more trust,” and recognized they “didn’t really have an association,” something she’s looking for from here onward.

“I want an association. I want an individual who truly loves me and should be with me by and by,” she parcels of her assumptions for dating from here on out. “The interest ought to be there. There ought to be a common science. However, I truly need a genuine association, eventually. Gutsy would be awesome. Someone who just has to endeavor new things since now I’m into endeavoring new things continually. I just have to continually live it up.”

While Christine won’t condemn various polygamists, she isn’t returning down that course herself. “I will be a monogamist from this point forward, indefinitely,” she articulates. “Polygamy isn’t really for me any longer. People can get it going, it’s fine. Continue with your life, yet no, no, not me.”

Right when Christine wed Kody in 1994, he was by then married to first and second mates, Meri and Janelle. “Meri and Janelle weren’t enemies, but they didn’t really get along,” she figures out. “Then I came in and evened out everything out.” Robyn, Kody’s fourth companion, joined the family in 2010.

“It was stuffed, yet we lived it up together,” Christine tells People, seeing that she “right anytime required a polygamous marriage,” since that is how she was raised. “I had an ideal youth,” she gets a handle on. “I was raised with such a great deal of love.”

In any case, things have changed and Christine is ready to make a pass at another thing. “I started thinking maybe this isn’t working for me,” she gets a handle on. “Also, subsequently I quit having confidence in polygamy. I comprehended I would really not got a kick out of the chance to live it any longer. I might have managed without sharing a life partner or feeling like I wasn’t fundamental.”

“I get to continue with life for me,” she adds. “My whole world has changed, and every single cell in my body is more upbeat.” Christine yields that getting together and moving to Utah post-split was freeing. “We showed up and that night when I made a beeline for rest, I comprehended I was home,” she shares. “It was actually similar to that. Additionally, I got to start again and it was empowering and it was new consequently terrifying considering the way that I knew next to nothing about what the future holds, but I was so strengthened. I felt expect the underlying time in a really long time considering the way that I just got to take my life by my own and go. It was splendid.”

Christine and Kody proclaimed their split in November 2021, and she shed even more light on her decision to pass on him while tending to People. “He made my little’s girlextremely disturbed,” she says of a situation that occurred as their young lady, Ysabel, planned to go through an operation to address her scoliosis in September 2020. “I really find it hard to stay with an individual who I don’t respect.”

— People (@people) August 24, 2022

“I sorted out COVID, and why he couldn’t come, yet she didn’t. She really has a genuinely difficult stretch with it,” Christine continues. “I was there with Ysabel the whole time in New Jersey for the operation. Besides, I review them raising, as, ‘Could you say you are here alone? Where’s your significant other?’ I’m like, ‘Thoughtful, he hasn’t shown up.’ And they’re like, ‘Hold up, isn’t all that troublesome?’ And I’m like, ‘No, it’s hard for her. It’s hard for Ysabel, but it’s not hard for me.’”

Christine expresses out loud whatever is going on was a “extraordinary update” for her.

“Ultimately, I would’ve gotten a kick out of the chance to have him there, clearly, in light of the fact that it’s Ysabel’s expectation’s,” she adds. “In any case, I didn’t need him any longer.”

Fans will really need to watch Christine and Kody’s separated work out on the looming season of Sister Wives, which is set to show up Sunday, Sept. 11 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on TLC.