This created responses from people in general as they were amazed that Holy messenger BJ Smith said she’ll hurl assuming she sees somebody’s inner organs.

Heavenly messenger BJ Smith tweeted about it by means of her authority Twitter page, and she expressed, “Specialists are truly remarkable individuals since, supposing that I see somebody’s interior organs, I would in a real sense hurl out of control”.

Heavenly messenger BJ Smith is one of the most well known and effective female Big Brother HouseMates, and she has likewise transformed the Nigerian media outlet. S

he’s somebody that imparts her insight regardless of whether it’s against the desire of the general population, she’ll impart her insight without thinking often about what individuals would agree that about her, and this has made her benefit fans and regard in the web-based entertainment space.

— OLA🎙️💕🏹 👼🐺 (@sasy_titilope) October 2, 2021