While Tyler perceived that his relationship with Rachel “didn’t end how I would have favored it to,” he’s come to recognize the outcome. “Opinions are gone now,” he told ET. “Presently i’m doing perfect.”


“Right when you put your whole heart out there for someone and it’s not answered [and] things end out of nowhere, on occasion you want to wrestle with that,” Tyler said. “It’s not your individual and that is the means by which I took it.”

Tyler added that he will not permit this shock to hold him back from being feeble later on.

“I put my heart out there, I really surrendered to someone hard, yet I can’t keep myself from in a perfect world opening up from somebody down the line,” he said.

Anyway conditions didn’t work out with Rachel, Tyler has not a care in the world toward the pilot, who completed things with him in his old area, before he familiar her with his friends and family.

“As a Bachelorette you have the hardest work, having the choice to investigate this enormous number of associations,” he said. “It’s not something you do in your everyday presence. You’re familiar with dating one individual and staying steady with that individual, but as of now you really want to investigate this huge number of bewildering men.”

“She’s had a lot of ups and a lot of downs. It was hard for her by any means, yet I accept that she let out everything to all spectators the entire time,” Tyler continued. “All of the sentiments that she had just show how gigantic of a heart that she has. That is the best quality about her – – opening up to people, having the choice to share how she truly feels.”

Tyler wrapped up of his ex, “I figure as a rule worked successfully as the Bachelorette. The fact that it was her satisfies me so much.”