Cecilie Fjellhøy was one of the setbacks from Simon Leviev who described to their records in “The Tinder Swindler”.


“Regardless, calling it the ‘Fuel Swindler,’ it just was marked from the start,” communicated Fjellhøy In one more gathering with Insider. “It just made it give off an impression of being not as serious.”

Yielding that she cried at whatever point she originally watched the series, Fjellhøy continued, “I just felt bonehead because I was the one picked to be the picture of fondness. I should talk reality with regards to the quantity of matches I had on Tinder, how long I’d been on there, and how I saw love. I expected to say that I set down with him on the essential date. I expected to say stuff that I would have rather not said. So that is quite serious.”

Asked concerning whether she acknowledges Netflix portrayed the abuse precisely, Fjellhøy replied, “No, that is the explanation I accepted that it ought to be more logical and maybe have a clinician. Someone to figure out what the abuse truly was.”

— UpSkillYourLife (@UpSkillYourLife) July 25, 2022

Sarma Melngailis of “Horrible Vegan” in like manner designated how Netflix portrayed her in the story about how a past darling moved her toward moving enormous number of dollars to his record.

Melngailis said Netflix “made a joke” of her situation and did a “exceptional harm to each one people that have needed to manage” near sorts of control and abuse.