A seat of Justices Indira Banerjee and M.M. Sundresh said: “From a declaration gave by the Public Information Officer and the Jail Superintendent, Central Jail, Jaipur, apparently the candidate is experiencing CML-CP (Chronic Myeloid Leukamia). The heaviness of the solicitor is just 48 kg.


“He isn’t in that frame of mind to work and requires rest. This request for in-between time bail has been made on clinical grounds to work with treatment of the applicant”.

Applicant Nahar Singh was addressed by criminal legal counselor Namit Saxena. Subsequent to hearing Saxena’s contention, the top court said: “On by and large thought of current realities and conditions of the case and, specifically, the soundness of the solicitor, we consider it proper that the candidate be conceded break bail for a time of about two months based on such conditions and conditions as might be forced by the Sessions Court.

The exceptional leave request is, appropriately, discarded. Forthcoming applications, if any, will stand discarded.”

Saxena battled before the seat that candidate is critically ill, distressing and is devaluing at a nonstop speed step by step and he is a patient of CML-CP as well as tuberculosis. “In spite of consistent treatment being given to him, while being in the jail, there is no improvement in the soundness of the solicitor.

That the expressed treatment as given to the solicitor isn’t adequate and the candidate should be delivered on bail, for him to practice his entitlement to remain solid and be treated in a legitimate way and as per his decision,” said the supplication.