This list is a compilation of the most griped about things by Fallout fans, like Preston, Marcy Long, and the fact that you can’t see your Pip-Boy while wearing Chameleon armor. Or hey, can we talk about how weird it is that you have to call your son “Father”? Tell me that has nothing to do with one of the writer’s crappy stepdad.

title: “10 Things Every Wastelander Hates About Fallout 4 Fallout 4” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-17” author: “Leanna Raminez”

This list is a compilation of the most griped about things by Fallout fans, like Preston, Marcy Long, and the fact that you can’t see your Pip-Boy while wearing Chameleon armor. Or hey, can we talk about how weird it is that you have to call your son “Father”? Tell me that has nothing to do with one of the writer’s crappy stepdad.